I tend to reserve my announcements for my monthly newsletter, but I thought that my fans and creative writing students would appreciate a comprehensive update on all of the various projects and activities that are going on in my world. Check out some of the major plans and projects that I currently have in the works:
Announcements for Fans
The Fourth Keltin Moore Novel
I finished the first draft on December 31, 2020 and I’ve been steadily working on revisions since then. Restructuring of the plot is almost complete, and I should be able to move on to a line-edit by the end of the year. My hope is to have a printed copy ready for next year’s Brass Screw Confederacy, if not sooner.
My First YouTube Video
The voiceover is recorded, the footage is all pulled and ready, and now it’s just a matter of editing the project together while learning the ins-and-outs of the editing software. Hopefully, I’ll learn enough in this process to be able to drastically cut down on the production time for the next video.
I’ll admit that I haven’t really done much in engaging or building this community in the last year, but I plan to change that. Some of my planned updates include:
- Changing the name of the group to Lindsay’s Fans Community
- Including bloopers and gag-reals from my YouTube videos as exclusive content for community members
- Posting more short stories to my Lending Library
- Organizing regular Zoom parties for community members
If you’re not already a member of my Fan Community, be sure to reach out to let me know what kind of additional content would motivate you to join us!
Attending Cons Again
Starting with OryCon next month, I’m planning on making more personal appearances at genre and book-selling events. If you have a favorite fan event that you’ve attended in the past, please recommend it to me so that I can add it to my event tracker.
Announcements for Writers and Creative Writing Students
Participation in my Writers Community has been modest for a little while, mainly because there haven’t been a lot of opportunities for me to build the community through other classes. While my teaching schedule will start expanding again in 2022 (see the following updates for details) I also have a new idea for improving the content provided to community members. My plan is to begin offering a monthly Zoom class to community members on a creative writing topic of their choice. If you’re interested in joining my Writers Community, please let me know what you think of this idea and if there is anything else that would motivate you to join our group.
My Classes at South Puget Sound Community College
Starting in 2022, I will begin teaching in-person classes again, which is great news for anyone in the Puget Sound area that wants to learn from me in person. If you’re in the area, be sure to check my class schedule and sign up now to help make sure the classes happen.
Returning to Writing Conferences
In September, I attended the Southwest Washington Writers Conference and had a blast teaching in person again. I’d like to build on that momentum and start attending writing conferences again as a presenter, so if you attend a writers conference and would like to see me there, please let me know about the event so that I can add it to my event database.
More to Come…
As you probably noticed, a lot of these updates are still in the planning stages and I’d welcome your feedback and ideas. To stay connected with all of these topics, please sign up to my newsletter for monthly announcements, links to my blog articles and Community content, and even the occasional free book promotion. See you in your inbox!
As always, a big shout-out to the fantastic members of my Readers Community:
Randall Hodgson, Jerry Staton, Matthew Paxman, Yoshiyuki Nishikawa, Wil Sisney, Jarred Walton, Joel Stanger, and Kelly Wilbur.
If you’d like to learn more about my Readers Community, check out the following link:
Another big shout-out to the wonderful members of my Writers Community:
Christine Herbert, Michele Cacano, Jessica Mormann, Naltath, and Jo Sal.
If you’d like to learn more about my Writers Community, check out the following link: