Character Spotlight: Mr. Renlowah

I’m kind of surprised to be doing a character spotlight for Mr. Renlowah. While he makes several appearances throughout The Adventures of Keltin Moore, he’s still a pretty minor character. And yet, I’ve heard that he’s a low-key fan favorite, which is supported by the fact that I’ve received multiple pieces of fan art based on him. So, without further ado, here is a closer look at the tranquil gardener staying at Mrs. Galloway’s boarding house.

Character History

Mr. Renlowah is originally from Malpin, though he emigrated to Riltvin near the beginning of the Heterarack Empowerment. We don’t know what his original occupation was, but I like to think that he was highly placed and well-off, considering the fact that he is able to maintain his living in Riltvin as a simple gardener. We do know that his name was originally Ren’lo’ah in the style of Loopi names. While he is not a Sky Talker, he has a reverence for them and becomes close friends with Grel’zi’tael and Keltin’s other Loopi friends. Mr. Renlowah was a source of calm advice and reassurance for Keltin, particularly after his father died and he moved out of his family home to stay with Mrs. Galloway while pursuing his career as a beast hunter. Mr. Renlowah continues to be a dear friend to Keltin and his companions, with his calming presence a welcome respite during difficult situations.

Physical Description

Like all Loopi, Mr. Renlowah has an apelike face and long hair over his body. As I’ve said elsewhere, the closest comparison to real apes would be gibbons with their long, luxurious coats and intelligent faces. Mr. Renlowah has black fur with some gray mixed in to show his age. He tends to wear clothes suited to the occasion, preferring simple working clothes when gardening but always dressing formally for dinner, even if dining alone. I should also mention that despite some fantastic fan art to the contrary, neither Mr. Renlowah nor any other Loopi has a tail. 🙂

What Purpose Does He Serve in the Story?

Mr. Renlowah’s most important role in The Beast Hunter was to introduce a Loopi to the reader while also foreshadowing the intolerance they suffer in some parts of the world. It was also a very intentional choice to give Keltin a trusted Loopi friend to explain why he acts so differently from the rest of the hunters. In my opinion, it’s not enough to just have a character make social judgments that are more harmonious for the reader simply because they’re a good guy. I feel it’s much more organic and believable if the narrative can support that aspect of a character, giving depth rather than shallowness to their likability.

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