Ten Lame Reasons to Not Write a Blog Article Today

Believe me, I’ve considered using each of these since starting my author’s blog. 🙂

  1. I’ve got a computer virus that turns all of my periods into commas.

2. Every time I upload a picture, it’s facing away from me.

3. I’m only typing with the backs of my fingers until next Tuesday. Don’t ask why.

4. I tried dictating my article to my computer, which worked great, except I was dictating into Notepad.

5. There’s a squirrel out my window.

6. For some reason, I can’t type the word “the”. Wait…

7. All of my social media followers (except you) asked me not to post today.

8. Ten year old cat videos.

9. I changed my font color to white and now I can’t find my article.

10. I read a blog article that said that nobody reads blog articles anymore.

A big shout-out to the fantastic members of my Readers Community:

Randall Hodgson, Jerry Staton, Mandy Vincelette, Matthew Paxman, Yoshiyuki Nishikawa, Wil Sisney, Jarred Walton, Joel Stanger, and Kelly Wilbur.

If you’d like to learn more about my Readers Community, check out the following link:


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