Book reviews are the lifeblood of online sales. Without reviews, there’s nothing to separate one independently published title from the millions of other books available to new readers. It requires no extra cost, takes less than five minutes, and will have a lasting positive effect for an author.
Maybe you’re intimidated about writing a review because you’re envisioning the kind of comprehensive reviews you read in newspapers and literary blogs. Maybe you’re having PTSD flashbacks to cramming on Sunday night for a book report that’s due in the morning. But that’s not what a user review for a book looks like. It’s just an honest opinion, plainly written and easily expressed.
Here are some of the helpful reviews I’ve received for my books in their entirety:
“I really enjoyed the characters and the storyline of this book. I hope to delve deeper into this world with further books from the author.”
“Absolutely a great read for sci-fi readers and I found a new author that I like!!!”
“Something intriguing happens in every chapter.”
“Absolutely a great read for any sci-fi reader”
Of course you could write more if you want to, but only if you want to. The point is to add your voice to the chorus of readers that want to see success for a book and author that they enjoy.
If you do decide to write an honest review of one or more of my books, feel free to send me a message letting me know about it. I’ll gladly share it on my social media channels as a special thank you for taking the time to show your support. It really does make a difference.